JSTS Advocacy Talking Points
We hope that you will attend an upcoming town council meeting in your local town to disseminate our message among other elected town officials as well as members of your local community. To assist you, we have prepared the following talking points that you may use at those meetings. Please copy/paste text into your favorite document editor (MS Word, Google Docs, etc.) if you want to modify before printing.
I live at [xxxxxxxxxx] and have been a resident of the town for [xx] years. I also am an avid bicyclist and a member of the Jersey Shore Touring Society, one of the largest bike clubs in the state.
Before someone else is unnecessarily injured or killed, my fellow cyclists and I urge you to take action, including:
The Jersey Shore Touring Society would like to help the town educate residents on safe cycling. Among other things, our members, along with representatives from EZ Ride and local bike shops, can work with the town’s recreation department to help create and run an annual community bike ride. During this event, or existing community fair and festivals, Night Out and other events, we can conduct free bicycle safety checks and provide safety-related information.
I hope you will give this issue some serious thought. Please let me know how my bike club and I can help.